From september to early this year we had the 20th anniversary event in wow. It was pretty fun at first, huge turnup as well, very crowded at the anniversary site in Tanaris. But it got a tad boring towards the end, which is understandable. You can find an overview here
I did like the mount show off, although it make me realise I don’t have as much mounts as some people :)..The chromie instance was fun, short multiplayer event with decent rewards. And there were a few simple quests that could give you quite a bit of XP, like the trivia daily quest.
With the tokens you could buy a mount and T2 ‘remastered’ gear for transmog, which I got! But haven’t really used it yet on any of my characters. Writing this reminds me that I should do that soon!
Here are some screenshots from the event! And now back to the regular gameplay. I have 3 level 80 characters by now, still do some delves and weekly events, and leveling up the mage and death knight as a very leisurely pace.