The End Of Remix and PrePatch Catch Up

Well we’re now in mid august as I write this and The War Within is coming soon in two weeks. The prepatch has been released and its actually quite fun. I have been leveling various classed back to lvl 70. They were 50 – 60 mainly, its been fun playing them again. So far Shadow Priest and Death Knight has been the most fun. I might play them more often.

Also remix is now coming to an end. I’ve been spending the bronze I still had (around 60K) on various transmog sets and mounts. I leveled a shaman to 70 and started a hunter but didn’t get that far with that one, as I got a little bored and the pre dlc patch came out ;). Still a week to go so I might get some extra bronze for a few more mounts.

Here are some screenshots I took along the way, I might add more later!

WoW remix: Mists of Pandaria

This event started last week and its been a lot of fun! You can notice Blizzard put a lot of effort into it. It’s basically the Pandaria expansion but you’re leveling much faster than normal. Also you can customize your character using gems you get from quest rewards. And once the event is over in august, you can transfer the characters over to the regular retail server!

The quest rewards are boxes you open, and always contain stuff you can actually use, like the gems I mentioned, gear, stat buffs etc.

I rolled a Shaman and he’s level 25 at the moment. Maybe I can roll another char as well before august, I was thinking a monk or another hunter.Its been a while since I did the Pandaria quests, most of them are of the simple kill x of y variety, but its been quite fun with the shaman. Also I love the asian type environment.

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Now Live! (

The event began on May 16th, 2024, and its end date is August 19th, 2024. To create a Timerunning character, select the Mists of Pandaria: Remix button on the character selection screen1. Enjoy your nostalgic journey through Pandaria! 🐼