WoW Patch 3.1

As you all know by now, patch 3.1 will be a big one. Bringing a new Raid Instance, class changes and dual speccing !

Patch 3.1 will represent one of the most significant content patches to World of Warcraft to date. Major modifications to class specializations via the new dual spec feature will bring about significant game play changes for many classes, while the introduction of the Ulduar raid will open up a new and more difficult tier of raiding.

Wowinsider has a guide to documented and undocumented changes. Ofcourse it’s still early and a lot of things can still change:

Four Year Anniversary

Wow, I can’t believe that a few weeks ago, it was Wow’s 4th anniversary ! I remember my first steps as a young tauren in the world of Azeroth :). And my first scary trip to crossroads ! I had a great time those first few months in wow, everything was new and exciting ;).

Also thanks to Edge, Vixx and Banish, whereever you guys are at the moment, with whom I had a great time and all those from Starblade back then.

At the moment, I am just doing a few dailies every now and then and an (heroic) instance. Haven’t played that much lately, the ‘newness’ of WOTLK is starting to wear off… I still have a lock and a deathknight to level, but to go through either outlands or northrend again at this moment, isn’t very appealing. I will wait a while ’till it isn’t so fresh anymore !

Banish and Morph

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Getting new rides at 40 !


Yola had crafted a Mechano-Hog yesterday ! It’s definately the most fun mount in game ;). And when I jumped into the seat, with my big tauren ass, I literally was laughing out loud for about 10 minutes ! You haveĀ  to actually see it drive around Dalaran for the full effect, but the image below somewhat captures the spirit.


Morpheus at 80

After a mere 2 1/2 weeks after launch Morpheus, the balance druid, got 80 in Icecrown. That sure is a lot faster than 60-70 when BC came out. Think back then I burnt out in Mountain’s edge, only to return six months later to complete the quest for lvl 70.

Questing sure got a lot better in WOTLK as you have read from various other sources. Every now and then you get a quest that uses the new vehicle game mechanic and you get to control a giant or a flying machine. Or shoot arrows from a flying machine ;).

I am now a few days at 80 and I feel a little lost. I do a few dailies, might do an instance with the guild and that’s about it. Already quested so much the past weeks, that I don’t really feel like doing that. The pvp doesn’t seem to be going a lot, a few matches of Strand of the Ancients is fun, but not for a whole evening. I might try Arena again once the next season starts, but I am not really looking forward to this. Most pvp gear will require some sort of ranking though, which I find a bit silly, but I might try it. Last time it got a bit frustrating every time we got over 1500.

Morphea my hunter is almost 72, and the questing is still fun, but the surprise element is a little gone now. I haven’t done any quests in zul’drak, so I’ll make sure to hit that zone with her. I changed her spec from Master Marksman to Beastmaster, which made leveling a lot easier. As mm your pet can hardly hold aggro and you spend a lot of time meleeing. Which isn’t the best thing to do. The cat turned out to be the best pet for this. My scorp will be at rest for a while.

Wrath of the Lich King Images

Wrath of the Lich King sure didn’t disappoint. When it was first announced, I was a bit sceptical as it didn’t seem to bring much new and the first screenshots looked a bit bland. But now that I have been playing it since it came out, I must say Blizzard really outdone themselves.

The graphics are crisp, the wildlife on the tundras is alive and the quests are fun and very well setup. Just about each place has a main questline that gives a nice reward and the story is usually enjoyable.

I could go on but images say more than words ! Besides I need to get back in the game…

WoW Insider redesign

When I checked out wow-insider today I was almost shocked ;). The site underwent a very nice redesign. The old one was getting a bit outdated, this one is much more modern, I especially like the text being centered now !

One series of posts over there I really like is ‘ask a beta tester’. I didn’t apply to the beta, so I wouldn’t be spoiled but I have picked up a lot of nice info from this series.

Patch 3.0.2

The big one is up on us ;). The US is getting it on tuesday and we in Europe will be getting it the day after. All talents will be reset. I have been toying around with the talent calculator, but I am not sure yet what to do. Do I go all the way in one tree and fill up the rest 70-80 or do I leave some room ? I almost never respec, so it won’t cost too much to try a few things out.

Morphea will still be a Master Marksman, and ofcourse Morpheus will always be an Owl ;). But I going to side spec into retro this time. From what I read druids have some mana issue atm, hope that will be fixed, though I am kinda used to that having always played balance with Morph…

Some links:

All Patch Info on wowinsider :

Back in Wow

While playing Warhammer, I was wondering why I just didn’t play Wow. Everything (especially the combat) is a lot smoother and more fun. I’ll post my thoughts on WAR some time later, am still playing it every now and then. But I activated my wow account again. Am planning on leveling my warlock, and just pvp a bit with morph and morphea. Also finally leveled Morphea’s engineering to 350 so she can build the ROFLcopter soon ! Only need to mine some more fell iron. Oh and pick up the charges from AH. I got 2 already, but haven’t seen any on lately :(.

BrewFest Mount

And on sunday we did the Brewfest boss with a few guildies. The RAM mount dropped and guess who won the roll ? Thanks go to Naelna, Yola and Timp :). Oh and the pally who tanked (not a guildie) and who’s name I forgot.