The anniversary event

From september to early this year we had the 20th anniversary event in wow. It was pretty fun at first, huge turnup as well, very crowded at the anniversary site in Tanaris. But it got a tad boring towards the end, which is understandable. You can find an overview here

I did like the mount show off, although it make me realise I don’t have as much mounts as some people :)..The chromie instance was fun, short multiplayer event with decent rewards. And there were a few simple quests that could give you quite a bit of XP, like the trivia daily quest.

With the tokens you could buy a mount and T2 ‘remastered’ gear for transmog, which I got! But haven’t really used it yet on any of my characters. Writing this reminds me that I should do that soon!

Here are some screenshots from the event! And now back to the regular gameplay. I have 3 level 80 characters by now, still do some delves and weekly events, and leveling up the mage and death knight as a very leisurely pace.

The War Within Start

It’s been almost 2 months now since the War Within was released for World of Warcraft. And so far I have been through almost the entire campaign on Morpheus, my Druid. I already hit max level 80 in the second zone, because I completed the entire first zone and with rested XP and a few delves here and there I hit 80 pretty quickly. After that I mainly followed the main story to open up world quests. Even after that part, the story quest line continues and it’s overall quite long. It’s overall ok, though I don’t really care too much for the last zone with the nerubians (‘spider people’) to be honest. The last zone is also the staging ground for the raids and the Harbinger of the Void, the main antagonist in this expansion

Zone overview at blizzard site :

The other zones are wonderful, especially Hallowfall and the other underground zone, the ringing deeps. The interiors of the housing, and the delves are full of details, it’s like you’re playing in a cartoon (in a good way). This is one of the best expansion graphics wise.

War Within Interior screenshot
Very detailed interiors in the War Within wow expansion
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The End Of Remix and PrePatch Catch Up

Well we’re now in mid august as I write this and The War Within is coming soon in two weeks. The prepatch has been released and its actually quite fun. I have been leveling various classed back to lvl 70. They were 50 – 60 mainly, its been fun playing them again. So far Shadow Priest and Death Knight has been the most fun. I might play them more often.

Also remix is now coming to an end. I’ve been spending the bronze I still had (around 60K) on various transmog sets and mounts. I leveled a shaman to 70 and started a hunter but didn’t get that far with that one, as I got a little bored and the pre dlc patch came out ;). Still a week to go so I might get some extra bronze for a few more mounts.

Here are some screenshots I took along the way, I might add more later!

WoW remix: Mists of Pandaria

This event started last week and its been a lot of fun! You can notice Blizzard put a lot of effort into it. It’s basically the Pandaria expansion but you’re leveling much faster than normal. Also you can customize your character using gems you get from quest rewards. And once the event is over in august, you can transfer the characters over to the regular retail server!

The quest rewards are boxes you open, and always contain stuff you can actually use, like the gems I mentioned, gear, stat buffs etc.

I rolled a Shaman and he’s level 25 at the moment. Maybe I can roll another char as well before august, I was thinking a monk or another hunter.Its been a while since I did the Pandaria quests, most of them are of the simple kill x of y variety, but its been quite fun with the shaman. Also I love the asian type environment.

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Now Live! (

The event began on May 16th, 2024, and its end date is August 19th, 2024. To create a Timerunning character, select the Mists of Pandaria: Remix button on the character selection screen1. Enjoy your nostalgic journey through Pandaria! 🐼

Back to Dragonflight

As you might have gathered from the gap between this post and the last one, I didn’t play a lot of wow the past few years. After I got tired of Battle for Azeroth, I played a little bit of Shadowlands when that came out. Leveled Morpheus to 60 but the end game grind was horrible with non enjoyable repeated quests at max level.

Also the shadowlands themselves weren’t very enjoyable. With the pandemic going on at the time, to also spent your time in a virtual bleak environment didn’t seem very inviting to me. So I hadn’t played until last november at Blizzcon the War Within expansion was announced. There was a special offer to come back and check out the game again, which I took!

I have been slowly leveling Morpheus to lvl 70, enjoying the quests in Dragonflight. Decent stories, and a nice environment. I’ll post more screenshots here as well as I move along.

And of course when The War Within finally hits this fall! I’ll try to level a few more alts before that happens.

Back to BFA

As you can imagine, not long after the post before this one, I faded away from WoW. Didn’t really like BFA and the leveling process felt very ‘been here, done that’. Think I basically burned out on WoW after legion. But BFA so far is still very lucklustre in my eyes. I am not sure the next expansion will be much better, seems like a gloomy environment. But we’ll see, at least the environment will be different.

The loa brought me back

Anyway, after all the hoopla and hype surrounding Wow classic, I succumbed as well to it, seeing people having a lot of fun (on twitch mainly). I reactivated my account and rolled a hunter. Well, everything I suspected was actually true. It’s very cumbersome, slow process to level a character in classic. Just as it was 15 years ago. But then it was new and a lot of fun. I can’t really go back and do that now. Since I was subbed anyway, I slowly started leveling Morpheus again and at 120 started doing dailies again. Think this was around september. The worldquests are decent, and somehow still provide some entertainment.

And with the anniversary events, I leveled almost every class to 120. Unfortunately, it’s very tough to start doing world quests and get better gear when your gear is below 200 and 2 expansions old :). So you have to craft some pieces and maybe buy some off AH. So far I have mainly done that for a shaman I enjoy playing, haven’t played that class much in the past.

I think I am now ready to do raiding in LFR again. One of these days I’ll hit that join button for one of them ;).

Enjoy some screenshots, I’ll be posting more here regularly again now !

Battle For Azeroth

And so it has begun ! Another expansion is out ! And to be honest, I am not really feeling it. Just hit lvl 113 about 2 weeks in now. I have been questing a little bit and it feels like more of the same. Which is of course always going to be the case in an MMO, but Legion felt somewhat fresh and exciting. This seems like Legion 2.0 with a few tweaks. And classes that have even less abilities than before.

But it’s not too bad, the questing (in small doses) is still fun. The environment looks wonderful, so there is that. Not exactly looking forward to end game with doing tons of world quests. I already did that for Legion and I am not going to do that again. I think I rather level up some alts or just play something else entirely, before falling into that (grinding) trap again.

Northern Hawk Owls

The new mount quest lines in 7.1.5 have a few of these ‘battle a somewhat rare pet in a far off area’ type pet battle quests that are somewhat annoying, but Hunting Lesson: Northern Hawk Owls takes the cake.

Northern Hawk Owls

Northern Hawl Owls quest area

There is only a small area that is available to travel for the player and only a few of these spawn. That might not sound too bad, but the percentage of them that is actually a battle pet is very low. So far I caught one, and I have been going up and down the path while killing the critters hoping they’d respawn as battle pets for over an hour now.

Makes you wonder whether they test these things at all ? Seems like an easy fix to make the percentage of battle pets spawning just a little higher. As it is, it doesn’t add anything except annoyance to the gameplay.

Since I posted this I caught one more. I just go through the area at the end of a session hoping there is one available.